Monthly Archives: October 2014

Data Analyst or Data Scientist?


Well, I don’t blame you, for the industry working definitions of these two job titles are pretty inadequate. Both disciplines (if I may call them such) have overlapping areas and are usually complementary. At the same time, the titles call for a mixed bag of different skill sets, qualifications and operational roles that set them apart.

While the analytics space has many

How analytics can help fight terrorism

The fight against terrorism – an application area with plenty of scope for development

Terrorist activities are trending strongly across news channels and investigative operations. In this scenario, surely analytics can help fight terrorism by predicting terror attacks and identifying terrorist financing? Oddly enough, it was a lawyer who first advocated wielding the power of

What is all the hype about Disruptive Technologies?

Much is mentioned about the way Disruptive Technologies have stormed the field of analytics, and in particular Big Data Analytics.

Although, the term was originally popularised by the Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, referring largely to innovations in technology, one finds an increasing mention in analytics.

So let us exa

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