Monthly Archives: April 2014

The latest buzz in Indian Analytics….through April 2014

…. from IVY Professional School Blog

Beginning this month, we will be doing a monthly (in place of the bi-monthly) news wrap-up on what’s going on in the Indian analytics industry. So for a quick review on the latest buzz in Indian analytics, look out for the blog on the last day every month.

Another starter is a themed calendar where we shall feature a “Start-up of the month”

How Bayesian Predictive Modelling is used for Election Analysis

As a student of statistics or analytics, you will know why the Bayesian logic is applied to decision making and inferential statistics for probability inference.  It is the way to quantify a situation with an uncertain outcome by determining its probability. The Bayesian model defines a rule for refining a hypothesis – factoring-

Spotlight: Sentiment Analysis

How do the various political Manifestos compare with respect to important keywords?

What do twitter users have to say about the new product launch?

How is your after-sales support performing against your competitors?

What is the general sentiment about the election manifestos of various political parties?

These are questions one asks

Featured ‘Start-up of the month’- ZT Analytics, Hyderabad

Beginning this month, IVY Blog shall feature a start-up that brings in a fresh wave of innovation or unusual perspective to the field of analytics.

With elections dominating conversations, we decided to feature ZT Analytics as “the start-up of the month” for the innovative web platform, ‘A S

Role of Analytics in ‘Elections 2014’

Elections of the largest democracy have just entered the third leg.

By far the most vibrant elections till date, the ‘India digital elections 2014’ has been applying technological tools and techniques to decode, decipher and analyse the various nuances of the election. The historical role of election analytics for opinion-poll and exit-poll analysis has given way to a more dynamic applicati

Spotlight: Text Analytics

What do you do when you have a huge volume of textual data?

If the data is in structured form as in voter records you make a query that returns information as a number. Using more and different queries, you get detailed  info

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