Daily Archives: November 10, 2013

Estimate how many fishes can fit in a pond (Analytics Interview Question) – Answer

How can you estimate the population of fishes in a pond? (recently asked in an analytics job interview).

It’s a classic estimation problem. There is a popular sampling method called capture – recapture or ‘Lincoln Index’ or ‘Pieterson’s Method’ which is used to estimate the size of an animal or human population. There are two versions of this method; we’ll discuss the simpler version (for the m

What’s so BIG about Big Data?


It is all over the internet and media.

Big Data is the next best thing in IT and Analytics. Organizations with constantly growing database are moving over to Big Data technologies.  IT developers, DB administrators and computer geeks are exploring avenues to honeg their skills in Big Data and Big Analytics.

The buzz about ‘Big Data’ has been gathering momentum over the last tw

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