Analytics Crossword – Brain Tickler! Excel (Easy)

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Thanks Arpendu for attempting the expert crossword on Statistics! You were very close to the answer! Just replace Onetoone with Monotone! Congratulations!

Next up- the Excel crossword! Let’s see who answers first! Its Easy

excel easy


3.The function returns the position of a value in a given range. (6)

5.The function looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns a value in the same row from another column you specify. (8)

6.The function returns a specific value in a two-dimensional or one-dimensional range. (6)


1.The function returns a value from a list of values, based on a position number. (7)

2.Adds the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. (5)

4.The function is used when your comparison values are located in a row across the top of a table of data, and you want to look down a specified number of rows. (8)

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